
Crawlers creep as you sleep...

 G'day!! It's been a whole week since we last met up here!! How have you been? What have you been up to? Oh really? I tried that once, but they caught me right at the "Hey nonny nonny" part so I had to stop...  The weather has been adorable! The mornings try to act all kitten tough, with claws of darkness and cold and brrr, but then the daytime always ends up exposing its soft, fluffy underbelly of light coolness that is most live-withable! Very old folk must really appreciate the heat generated by global warming!  However, the cold has not been entirely kind to all. We think, (I keep meaning to Google to see if it's a fact and forget), but we think the ant hives under our flat have decided to kick all the solider ants out of the nest for winter! Maybe they eat too much? Maybe there's no need for them? Or maybe the other ants got tired of their drunken war stories, who's to say, but we are finding these large-headed, pincer-mouthed ants all about our ever

Breaking warm winds...

Hi and Hello and Good Day to you! How are you? What have you been up to recently? Oh really? I tried that once, but no matter how much dirt I shoveled into the hole they kept struggled and making weird cat-like noises, so I had to stop... Our weather has been surprisingly "warm"! Now you might go, "Jo! Are you a blooming polar bear?!" And I reply, "No, but the puffy white pants I'm wearing would be all the rage in the Arctic and I am thinking of fish for dinner later so..." But back on topic: Our mornings can sneak down to as low as 4C but the days often shoot up to as high as 22C! And you can still walk around barefoot without any melodical Tink! Tink! sound from one or more toe being frozen solid and hitting tiles musically... I was reluctant to go get my laundry as I could hear the wind blowing with gusto but then, being the brave soul that I am, I went outside and... the wind was warm! Anti-climax!!  We had a 3 day weekend!! Isn't that nice? We

Bright Blight Bite!

Most Goodest of Mornings to you! (Granted it might not be morning when you read this, but another morning will come soon enough and you can take these good vibes right through to then!) How have you been lately? And what have you been up to? Oh really? I tried that once but I couldn't unhook the last one and hung from the ceiling for over an hour, gently spinning, before anyone found me, so I had to stop... Ohh HELLO WINTER! It is definitely colder than cold here!  Beanies? Check! Fluffy pants? Check! Hot water bottles? Double and triple checked! Add some tea and you have a potent chill-fighting combo!!  And just look at the trees! A motley mix of brownish red and green against blue blue, utterly BLUE skies! Our winters seldom bother with clouds so everything is always so very brilliantly vivid! The cold is definitely vivid indeed!  I have decided to start taking more photos for the letter!!  This entailed remembering to take my cellphone with me this Sunday when we went to the par

I Vote read it!

Greetings and Salivations!! How are you this wintery day? What have you been up to? Oh really? I tried that once but the chunks got stuck in the filter and started to grow moss and small creatures evolved and yeah, I had to stop... It has gotten lusciously cold here! Todays temperatures are 15-1C! (That's "enjoyable nippy" in Fahrenheit!)  Our small supply of winter clothing is making itself felt and I wear a beanie to the gym for the first 15 or so minutes on the treadmill before sheer body heat makes me fling it away in horror! (The beanie is bright orange but my gym stuff solid black so I look a bit like a stubby emergency matchstick from afar...)  We had voting on Wednesday! When I tell folk of non-South African descent that we have rather a lot of political parties to choose from they're like, "What like 5 or 6?" No, no a tad more choices than that...Seriously we need a Where's Wally party just to finish it off right... Imagine this thing holding y

Much more Cronch!

Oh Hello!!! How are YOU ?  What have you been up to? Oh really? I did that once, but it got stuck in my underarm hair and started twirling around frantically, so I had to stop... Look how Autumn is making its presence felt! Oh it is SO, SO, BEAUTIFUL!!!! The leaves are all colours of red, yellow and brown and are mad cronchy to step on! Really if this is your season at the moment PLEASE, go run outside, breathe deeply, and romp madly about like a toddler on a crazed sugar high! I'll wait - promise!  *Puts on nice music in background and hums wobbly along* ♫ Ah you're back? Yay! This is the only other photo I have before I forgot to take more, but lets see, maybe next week I can do the season more justice? Watch this space! (But come with kindness, because I also forget a lot and you might have to just pat me on the head and go, "There there, you meant well!") Autumn has even snuck into my art!  Okay not all of it, but I am trying different things out! I have been bitt

An amazing feet!

Good 'time of life' to you!! How has yours been so far? What have you been up to? Oh really? I tried that once but they were made of soap and tasted absolutely awful, so I had to stop... I have been sick! If you're like, "Well yeah, that's sort of become your thing lately..." I won't deny it, but this time round it wasn't auto-immune related! It was something new! Ooooh! Actually new for me meant it was a type of nasty cold. I didn't go to the doctor so not sure if it was a cold, cough, infection, correction, inspection or flu, but it did UTTERNLY FLATTEN me for two days straight and then chomped an unfair amount of my energy for the next few! I'd forgotten what having a cold is like, and now, after having had a deeply immersive experience, I can say I am more than ready to go back to forgetting it all again, please and thank you! At I don't still sound like I'm mocking Darth Vader with each breath I take: "Luke....psssht....I am.

She said hello again! Oh my gosh!

Greetings and Salad dishes!! It has been a while hasn't it? What have you been up to? Oh really? I did that once, but when a llama goes for drama I ditch being a farmer - so I had to stop... This letter won't be of the long, long, grasping, epic-expanding, eon-blasting, length as some, mostly because I have ZERO photos to share and that always makes the writing look like so much until you read and it's all finished in under 3 minutes... I haven't written in ages +1 because, yes, I have been rather sickly (I don't ever recommend that), but believe it or not the main culprit has been work! The beastly thing has been so exceptionally needy these past 2/3 weeks that I gym, sit, work, work, work eat, sleep, rinse and repeat! It does keep you on your toes (or more like on your bum as you sit so much) but I feel like a verbal paramedic, rushing from virtual worksite to virtual worksite, trying to save this paragraph, cut that sentence, resuscitate this form, no no we'r