Breaking warm winds...

Hi and Hello and Good Day to you!
How are you?
What have you been up to recently? Oh really? I tried that once, but no matter how much dirt I shoveled into the hole they kept struggled and making weird cat-like noises, so I had to stop...

Our weather has been surprisingly "warm"!
Now you might go, "Jo! Are you a blooming polar bear?!"
And I reply, "No, but the puffy white pants I'm wearing would be all the rage in the Arctic and I am thinking of fish for dinner later so..."
But back on topic:
Our mornings can sneak down to as low as 4C but the days often shoot up to as high as 22C! And you can still walk around barefoot without any melodical Tink! Tink! sound from one or more toe being frozen solid and hitting tiles musically...
I was reluctant to go get my laundry as I could hear the wind blowing with gusto but then, being the brave soul that I am, I went outside and... the wind was warm! Anti-climax!! 

We had a 3 day weekend!! Isn't that nice? We spent it gloriously doing small entertaining things we found terribly amusing and satisfying but that would probably sound terribly dull to a listener who wasn't there, glorying in it all!

We did go to 3 different parks though, and had a ball walking about in alternating landscapes of green and lush to beige with more beige! 
We even played some Pokemon! 
Staryu! I choose you... to have adventures with! 

You should see this trellis in Spring! The green would melt your hearty to gooey happiness, but in winter... well, did I mention things are a tad bit beige here?
If I had to name this Photo I'd call it, "In the Park arc arc arc!"

Stoned and chilled! Very literally! 

We saw some very interesting trees and cacti! Doesn't this one look like some skeletal lady coming for tea? (And then not drinking any but complaining on and on about her stretchmarks?)

There was also many a pile of deliciously sun-warmed soil and this was Oh! Just absolutely enjoyed!!! 
If you don't wriggle your toes in sand now and then, are you even living?!

WARNING NOT FOR, a very certain type of SENSITIVE VIEWERS:
This is my favoritest treadmill in all the world...and it is broken!! It has been this way for about 5 days now...
It is the sweetest treadmill as it is 1 of only 2 that let you walk an hour rather than 30 minutes. And it's the only one that has a tv channel that has a blank black screen so you don't have to have sports people in your face the whole time, but can rest your cellphone on the shelf and read without bother. 

We did decide to go a bit wild and bought Green Plum Wine from the Chinese shop to taste!
It was every bit as utterly disgusting as we thought it would be! Bren managed 1sip, and I, ready to comb the manly hair on my chest I was sure would grow afterwards, had 2!
The drain had the rest, all in one big gulp, the slosh! 
Not drinking is far more fun!

While waiting to buy the above wine, and a few other goodies, we say this item in the sweets section for only R10! (If you google that it costs around 'super cheap' in your currency).
We were like, my my, what is this? So I took a photo to google translate later. 
Turns out it is pain medication! 
You can use it for, and I quote the direct translation, 
Used for conditions caused by exogenous wind evil, blood stasis, blocking collaterals, blood deficiency and nutritional deficiencies, and hyperactivity of liver yang.
So if you happen to have a need for treatment of any of these, I know a place! 

In other news:

We are changing our offical font at work from Calibri to something that sounds like Apopos...
They are so near identical and I cannot tell the difference, but apparently Apopopopopos is more bold and modern?
Seems that even font can go in and out of fashion...

There is a free app on the PC called futureme where you can write yourself a letter, or anyone a letter really, and date it to be delivered anywhere from 6 months to 10 years in the future!
I have sent various ones to myself at various times so that I can get one and roll my eyes and go, "Not another one, geez Past Jo, didn't you have anything better to do?!"
And then read and enjoy them cos I know me, I'm like that!

We bought a hot water bottle for Bren to use!
And then my old one developed a leak that very night and so now we are back to meaning to get a hot water bottle for Bren...

We went to Lifestyle nursery, which is a sufficiently HUGE nursery full of plants of the nose tempting variety!
We went up and down the rose sections smelling every single rose we could!
Only 2 out of more than 50 had any smell that actually smelt like a rose could, would or should smell. The rest hardly bothered.

May I recommend oranges and/or clementines as a fine winter treat? They are AMAZING!
Have a wonder week, there might not be as much left as usual, but trust me, each day is always felt!
From the couple making them count in their own fashion,


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